Advanced Kubernetes Workshop

Advanced Kubernetes Workshop

πŸš€ Announcing Our DevOps Kubernetes Workshop! πŸš€

Are you ready to embark on a journey into the world of Kubernetes and take your DevOps skills to the next level? Join us for an exciting and informative workshop that will empower you with the knowledge and hands-on experience needed to master Kubernetes and container orchestration.

What to Expect:

Kubernetes Sandbox Environments: Learn how to build dynamic sandbox environments to optimize the rollout of your applications.

Scaling and Load Balancing: Explore scaling and load balancing techniques to ensure your applications are highly available and performant.

Hands-On Labs: Put theory into practice with hands-on exercises to reinforce your understanding of Kubernetes.

Best Practices: Discover industry best practices for managing containers and orchestrating applications efficiently.

Troubleshooting and Debugging: Learn how to troubleshoot common issues and enhance your debugging skills.

Q&A Sessions: Interact with experienced Kubernetes experts and have your questions answered.

Who Should Attend:

  • DevOps Engineers
  • System Administrators
  • Developers
  • IT Managers
  • Tech Enthusiasts


Sandbox environments: Creating efficient and isolated testing realms.

Speaker: Victor Bucicovschii, DevOps Engineer, SoftwareMind

Victor Bucicovschii is a DevOps engineer who started working 7 months ago on a project related to sports betting. It deals with technologies like Kubernetes (k8s), ArgoCD, Helm and Jenkins. Successfully implemented sandbox environments in the project and develops the infrastructure day by day

A sandbox environment is a controlled, isolated space specifically designed for testing, development, and experimentation where users can try out new things without causing any trouble elsewhere. It replicates the conditions of the production environment but operates independently of it.

Kubernetes Hardening via Building STIG/CIS-compliant AMIs for Amazon EKS

Speaker: Ilia Eriomenco, DevOps Engineer, Endava

In the last 3 years, Ilia has been specializing in the field of Fin-Tech, during which time he has managed to implement on several projects such upstream technologies as Gitops (ArgoCD), as well as such smart CI/CDs like Octopus Deploy and Azure Devops. Ilia is a follower of Mobbing (Extreme Programming) not only in Development but also in DevOps.

How to strengthen the security of Kubernetes clusters, particularly those operating within Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). This involves creating Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) that adhere to the strict security standards defined by STIG and CIS. It’s valuable for organizations looking to secure their containerized applications, especially when hosted on Kubernetes within AWS EKS.

Scaling Applications in Kubernetes using KEDA

Speaker: Ion Negara, DevOps Engineer@WeAsWeb

Ion, a seasoned DevOps Engineer, excels in CI/CD pipelines with GitlabCI/Jenkins, specializes in Infrastructure as Code using Terraform, and demonstrates strong cloud orchestration skills on AWS. Ion's contributions go beyond technical expertise, fostering a culture of efficiency, reliability, and innovation in software development and deployment.

Delves into the utilization of Kubernetes Event-Driven Autoscaling (KEDA) to efficiently adapt the resources allocated to applications in a Kubernetes cluster. This approach allows applications to dynamically adjust their resource consumption in response to external events, optimizing their performance based on real-time demand

Demystifying AWS EKS clusters creation for environments with no Internet access

Speaker: Marcel Hariton, DevOps Engineer at Endava

Marcel is a tech enthusiast with a strong focus on implementing DevOps practices in the development processes of Fintech products. In the recent period he had extensively worked with Terraform for IaC, Kubernetes as an orchestration solution and Jenkins for CI/CD.

Dive into how to set up Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) clusters from Amazon Web Services (AWS) in environments without internet access. This situation often arises due to stringent security or network policies. The focus is on overcoming the challenges of creating and managing EKS clusters without relying on internet access, ensuring that cloud-based container orchestration can be achieved while adhering to strict network isolation and security requirements.

Why Attend:

  • Gain practical knowledge and skills in Kubernetes and container orchestration.
  • Strengthen your ability to manage and scale containerized applications.
  • Network with peers and professionals in the DevOps community.


Spaces are limited, so secure your spot today by registering in GoogleForm. Early bird places are available for a limited time!

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your DevOps journey with Kubernetes. Whether you're new to Kubernetes or looking to deepen your expertise, this workshop is tailored to your needs.

For more information and updates, visit our website at or reach out to us in Telegram and on Facebook group.

Join us for an immersive DevOps Kubernetes Workshop and empower yourself with the skills needed to excel in container orchestration. We look forward to seeing you there!

🌟 Unlock the potential of Kubernetes and revolutionize your DevOps practices! 🌟

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